NASA Will Pay You 50,000 to Lay in Bed for 60 Days Straight

Ever wished you could get paid to hang out in bed all day? Of course you have! For a few lucky candidates, that’s going to become a reality. NASA is currently on the lookout for people to participate in their “Bed Rest Studies”, in which participants will have to stay in bed for 60 days straight.
The pay is pretty good too. Participants will get $50,000 just to hang out in bed.
In addition to sleeping, participants can also read books, watch TV, play video games and use their phones as they please. As they long as they keep lying down, and remain in bed, it’s all good!
At this point you’re probably asking yourself why they’re doing this experiment? Well, the experiments are meant to see how the body reacts to extended of periods of rest for astronauts who are going on extended periods of space travel i.e. Mars. Nasa claims that ‘Head Down’ bed rest is the best way to stimulate zero gravity space.
NASA says the experiments is designed to achieve three things:
Understanding how one’s changing physiology in space may affect the process of certain missions
Understanding the impact of one’s physiological state on their ability to perform in particular tasks
Preparing countermeasures to combat any impairment that these physiological conditions may impose
Experiment participants are broken up in to two categories: Non-exercising and exercising. The exercising group, are able to exercise using special tools that help them stay active while still lying down. While non-exercising groups must stay completely at rest the entire time. For the first 13 days non-exercising subjects and 21 days for exercising subjects, can move around (in and out of bed) within the bed rest facility. But after that, you they cannot leave the bed.
During the entire experiment, bone, muscle and heart tests, as well as tests of the circulatory and nervous systems, nutritional condition, and the body’s capacity to fight off infections are conducted.
So what do you think? Could you do it participate in the experiment?